Can someone have too much of South America?
I really doubt so. Every time I have been around there, I have had a great time, and I have felt most welcome… But anyway, isn’t this a bit too much? I have been down there for: May 26 - June 5: Debconf4 and FISL5 at Porto Alegre, Brazil August 9 - 23: National Free Software conference at Sucre, Bolivia. First Free Software Simposium , Arequipa, Perú September 24 - October 4: XXX Latin American Conference on Informatics, Arequipa, Perú October 19 - 25: 5th Linux Encounter, Valparaíso, Chile Besides this, I have been invited to be in Tacna (Perú) for December 6-10, and I just got another invitation to be in November 15-20 in Moquegua (Perú) - where the organizers assume I will also be in Arica, Chile, the previous week. I have not confirmed the one in Tacna, and I doubt I will go to Arica/Moquegua, as it is too much travel jammed together in a couple of months, and I have a HUGE work backlog. But, yes, I would love to travel as much as possible ;-) BTW, I would love to go to Tacna together with Nadezhda and stay around there for some days, as it is a long time we haven’t had vacations, and being it December, she will really welcome going to the hemisphere where it is Summer :) …I still have a very important doubt here: I have not (personally) done much. I am sincerely not much of a programmer, my intervention in various Free Software and computer security-related projects has decreased (as I have been, paradoxically, too busy talking all over the place), there are lots of more interesting people in my country, in my continent, in my field of work… I love travelling… But why do I keep being invited? :-) I don’t really care about the answer, I really like travelling ;-)
Rudy 2004-10-19 20:06:23
RE: Can someone have too much of South America?
South America seems too fun for us :) btw, maybe we meet at Tacan again, I was invited also, but not to Chile /o\