WTF is this?
Ok… If you know me, you will be perplexed to find this as my current desktop. Yes, people that know me know that I dislike integrated desktop environments. I am a very happy WindowMaker user, have been faithful to WMaker for at least seven years… But anyway, I have found myself recommending Linux to almost-average users… So I decided to force myself to use a computer as they would for a couple of days at least. I am trying to get the whole user perspective, even the settings they would use (i.e., graphical smileys in Gaim… That’s bad!), even using one of the pieces I most often loathe in favor of the traditional terminal: The file manager. Well… Almost anything - Just don’t take away neither mutt nor Emacs. So far, after some four hours and thinking as a user, I like Gnome. I do think some things should be different, but before screaming about them, I’ll play more with it. I had not used it since… The 1.4 days, I think. 2.8 has just entered Debian, and it is amazingly smooth. I plan to submit myself at least to two days of Gnome torture, then two days of KDE torture… If time allows, I’ll even torture myself again with xfce, although I tried to do so in the past, and never liked it :)
leonel 2004-12-14 09:14:58
RE: WTF is this?
el mundo se va a terminar !
Gunnar usando gnome ! nooooo
jajaja un chascarrillo
Saludos desde chihuahua !
MiviX 2004-12-22 09:38:34
RE: WTF is this?
¿Pues que tiene? A mi tampoco me hace gracia gnome, pero pues es una opcion perfectamente valida. Ademas es mas probable que alguien se decida a cambiar de sistema operativo viendo un equipo con gnome o kde a verlo con windowmaker o Blackbox. Evangelizar no es tarea facil, pero si encima cuentas con ayuda como es el caso de gnome, pues bienvenida sea :P
MiviX 2004-12-22 09:40:19
RE: WTF is this?
¿Pues que tiene? A mi tampoco me hace gracia gnome, pero pues es una opcion perfectamente valida. Ademas es mas probable que alguien se decida a cambiar de sistema operativo viendo un equipo con gnome o kde a verlo con windowmaker o Blackbox. Evangelizar no es tarea facil, pero si encima cuentas con ayuda como es el caso de gnome, pues bienvenida sea :P