Got my own office!
I formally started working at IIEc exactly two months ago (Jan 1 2005, although I have been showing up to work here since November 17), and finally today my workplace is no longer the lab - I have my very own seven square meters - a very strange office, 2x4 meters, with one square meter devoted to one of the building’s pillars. I’ll have to find a way to put my desk to be confortable (right now I am facing a corner). I have always admired the care my University gives to having nice, confortable places to work, with nice views - Well, this is the exception. I do get some natural light, although mostly obscured by my neighbour’s stuff. But hey, I have some space of my own after exactly two years of being in a public place. It feels good. Update: Half an hour of Sokoban later, I feel this is good. There is still a dark spot in the usable square meter behind me, but anyway… I’ll find a use for it sooner or later. Meanwhile, I have a much more ergonomic space than what I had in the morning. Joy! :)