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Debconf5 flood

WOW… The Debconf Comas system we set up had been running quite smoothly for already some months. People were registering in quite a nice, ordered way… We had around 30 registered proposals, and everything was fine. Well, mostly everything. You see, we had as a proposal submission deadline March 15 2005, 23:59 UTC. In order to allow only for timely new proposals, Comas checks this date - only that I was checking for the date, not for the time… Since March 15 2005 00:00 UTC until around 16:00 UTC when I fixed this, we were gratuitously rejecting the proposals. And I had done the math wrong when setting the local cutoff time, as the server is in UTC+2, but I am (as I live in UTC-6) used to adding instead of substracting, so we got another two more hours off the air. I even gasped when I saw the titles for #debconf and #debconf-team: website proposal form b0rken, mail proposals to debconf5-speakers@l.debconf.o, cc: gwolf@debian.o - WHATTHEFUCKDOYOUMEANBYB0RKEN?! My system is not b0rken (although my logic certainly is)! ;-) I have been receiving mails with proposals for the last couple of hours - add that to having a stupidly busy day, I was longing for 23:59UTC to finally arrive. And it has finally arrived - No new proposals for Debconf will be accepted (unless our academic committee (Stockholm+Jbailey+Amaya) strong-arm me into acceptance, of course). Well, anyway… Sadly I don’t record proposal submission timestamps in Comas, it should be interesting to make a graph similar to the one about persons - During the first day, we got five registered proposals. Then, a long period of laziness… and today we got at least 10 (out of the current 42. And, yes, I am still missing two. Anyway, time to go back to UNAM work - Jordi, Juanjo, I’ll upload your talks by tomorrow :)
