The mac is live!
I am finally getting paid my complete salary at the University - That is no small deal, as UNAM can often take many months to get the checks flowing. In my case, I was formally hired in January, got the first check for the basic salary on February 25 (which I promptly used to get out of debts, of course). Then, on March 25 I got my first full check - Of course, retroactive to January. Of course, this deserved a celebration, so I kept it secret to be able to make it a bit better. I got also the payment for a work I had finished in February as the sysadmin for a private company. So, without her suspecting a thing, ten days ago I arrived home with a beautiful, shiny new iMac G5 for Nadezhda. She has really had a bad time with our PC, which is not precisely old (Athlon/1.1), but for a strange reason never worked properly with a recent Windows version. She was still stuck with 98. Yes, before you begin ranting on me: Only she knows how much I have pestered her with switching to Free Software alternatives, from the OS down to the smallest app - But anyway, I am her husband, and I understand my role in nature is to provide for her happiness ;-) She mainly uses the computer for designing whatever she has to print. She had been longing for a Mac for a very long time. I am happy as well, as at least she now uses an almost-almost-free OS (even if it does not hurt :) ). We waited a long time, as she wouldn’t open such a beautiful machine in a mess of a desk - Today she finally accepted to set the machine up. She is ecstatic. Of course, me too. I am finally fulfulling my evolutionary male role. :-D Cosa: Gozala! :-***
damog 2005-04-30 10:23:50
RE: The mac is live!
Cerdo capitalista.
Gaby 2005-05-01 01:00:07
RE: The mac is live!
Que tal. Ando con la tentacion de comprarle una de estas a mi hermana para su cumpleaños (este mes de mayo), ojala puedas comentar que tal les ha salido pues no conozco a nadie de primera mano que tenga una de estas. Personalmente me gusto mucho el diseño, muy adecuado y femenino para mi manita.
Por cierto, felicidades por lo de tu pago.
Gunnar 2005-04-30 20:46:28
RE: The mac is live!
Cerdo pobre :)
Gunnar 2005-05-03 18:19:02
RE: The mac is live!
Jejejejeje… Me encantaría… Pero no, no será el caso - La computadora es estrictamente de Gaby. Yo no tengo autorizado instalar Linux ni nada por el estilo. Es un artículo de lujo, va con su MacacOS X, y cuando mucho podré usar algún CD vivo pa’ jugar con ella. Pero no te preocupes, no me amargo - Como dije, sólo cumplo mi rol de macho ;-)
Gunnar 2005-05-03 18:22:06
RE: The mac is live!
Claro que sí… También tengo <a href="">una de esas</a>. Lástima que no sea justo siquiera intentar compararlas ;-)
Gunnar 2005-05-03 18:24:26
¿Pos qué se puede decir?
La máquina está preciosa, tiene un diseño de nomefriegues. Llevamos apenas un par de días de usarla - La migración de Windows a MacOS le está costando un poco de trabajo a Gaby, tiene que conseguir nuevo software para todo y aprender las múltiples diferencias… Pero claro, es una muy buena inversión ;-) La máquina se siente muy rápida, muy bien integrada, en fin… Todo lo que Apple siempre presume, para el público que Apple siempre busca. Sí, aunque esa última frase me haga sentir todo un burgués ;-)
Javier 2005-05-01 02:46:07
RE: The mac is live!
Welcome to the jungle
Jorge Mauricio Hernandez Torres 2005-05-01 15:04:20
RE: The mac is live!
Es una excelente inversión Gunnar, te felicito, tengo una ibook y una pbook, muy buen rendimiento, que mas se puede pedir?
Ahi te veré hackeando ahora para Debian-ppc
Un abrazo, Mauricio
lightme 2005-05-09 22:59:58
RE: The mac is live!
Eso se llama consentir a alguien ;)
lightme 2005-05-09 23:02:58
RE: The mac is live!
Eso se llama consentir a alguien ;)
Mauricio 2005-05-01 10:47:43
RE: The mac is live!
Y no hay una iMac que sea almost-almost-free? ;-)
Nadezhda 2005-04-29 23:32:50
RE: The mac is live!
…I enjoy it and I will enjoy it, but not just that, I will use it thoroughly.