Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
We Mexicans are known for taking too long to do things… So, nine days after Sarge stabilized, yesterday we had our release party. Much larger than what I originally thought (we only announced it to the almost-dead debianmexico list AFAIK, and most people there do not live in this city). We were over 30, and there were people coming from surrounding cities, up to ~200Km away. We had a good time, food and beer at Hamburguesas Memorables.
I arrived over 1hr late because we were printing. What were we printing? Well, that’s obvious:
I am very proud of Nadezhda’s work. She dedicated many nights to having it just perfect - Of course, we found a couple of details we will continue working on for the 3.1r1 T-shirt - But I am quite proud of what I am now wearing.
…And, yes, I am surprised I have not seen any other Sarge artwork yet. Am I blind?
David Valdez 2005-06-20 17:00:53
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
Estan muy cool las playeras, pero ¿tienen algún estanpado en la espalda?
Un saludo
Gunnar 2005-06-19 21:38:01
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
Hey, that does make me proud! :-D That’s one of the simplest and most liked shirts we have ever printed!
Gunnar 2005-06-20 19:32:48
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
La espalda va en blanco - bueno, en beige o verde ;-)
Gunnar 2005-06-20 19:33:22
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
jejejejejejeje :) :) Úsala con salud, que no en vano te la enviamos!
jade 2005-07-05 06:33:41
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
It had played with the cat before Cabit appeared.
juan carlos 2005-06-29 23:26:56
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
hey, me gustan las camisetitas!!! Soy fanatico de debian y quisiera 1!!!
juan carlos 2005-06-29 23:29:03
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
hey, me gustan las camisetitas!!! Soy fanatico de debian y quisiera 1!!!
Kevin Mark 2005-06-17 19:25:23
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
In NYC, Mako organized a release party. And he was wearing a Gunnar Wolf original! I supplied the artwork — edible artwork! Mako cut the cake.
maria 2005-06-20 09:35:46
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
Wow!!! me gusta mas esta incluso que la de Firefox, camiseta de la que presumo bastante, pero que no me pongo por no estropearla (las chicas somos asi) :-/
Paola 2005-06-17 09:39:19
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
So, was you intention to look like a boy scout??? you got it!!
Hey! i thought you all (debian folks) were going to commit a massive suicide when "sarge" was finally released. What happened? Do we have to deal with you guys some more time?? dah!
Anyway, life would not be the same without you as we would not have someone to joke at :P
Te quiero gunnie! jajajaja
Sven Arvidsson 2005-06-17 09:26:28
RE: Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
I made a simple <a href="">Sarge wallpaper</a> (camo style) in Inkscape.