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Back to life, but Debconf is over

The last four days of Debconf people saw me with a strange, evil look in my eyes. Once they asked me what had me so down, I just told them my personal mail/web server was down. It took me four days to get somebody at home to reboot it - But well, in the end, I am back to the online life. Yes, back just temporarily, just to state the sad truth: Debconf5 is over. We even held the first Debconf5 Post-mortem Gathering in downtown Helsinki, around 25 people having a last dinner together. Since we parted, well… It is just nostalgia :-) Thanks for everybody for two weeks of fun, of interesting talks, of getting to know you all in person. Thanks for making Debconf5 what it was. Thanks to the organizers, it was a honor to work with you - And it really scares me, I am organizing Debconf6 next May in Mexico (probable but still unconfirmed location: Oaxtepec, Morelos), and it is a very high standard it will be measured up against. But don’t worry, we will come up with something unforgettable as well! Ok… Now, today marks the start of my vacations with my wife. We are going to visit my mother, who lives in western Sweden. I will be there until July 30, and will thus be mostly unavailable on the net. See you all in August!


damog 2005-07-19 15:32:45

RE: Back to life, but Debconf is over

Dos putas correcciones:

  1. El que se organizará en México no es DebConf5, es DebConf6.
  2. Tú no eres el único que estará "organizando" DebConf6, así que no te lleves todo el crédito ;-)


Gunnar 2005-07-19 23:58:42

RE: Back to life, but Debconf is over

Corrección 1: Aceptada, corrigiendo. Corrección 2: Aceptada. Disculpa, Claudia, van también las gracias al esfuerzo que le has puesto ;-) Los demás, según lo vayan demostrando.

jyr 2005-07-20 10:43:42

RE: Back to life, but Debconf is over

Pues que bien, que lo esten organizando y sobre todo si se hace en Morelos.

Saludos a todos y gracias por su tiempo,esfuerzo.
