Lateness, angst, addiction - Trying to get hold of my life
This is by far the most stressful long period I can remember in my life. I was quite in control of things approximately until around June. Since then, things have been falling over me in a quick and heavy sucession - First of all, being co-organizer at Debconf was quite hard. I had run conferences before, but nothing ever like this - And, I should add, I never had a German boss running the show. [friend=”Stockholm”], as a project leader, you really rule… But whoever works with you should be warned: It is not easy. Gunnar’s Rule of Future Life No. 2: It’s easier to be the coordinator (remember I was officially the Tyrant for three years at CONSOL? :) ) than to be in the immediately subordinate team. Back home, I expected the regular post-vacation rush, so having a hard August -trying to make everything on time- was expectable and OK. I don’t remember exactly what projects was I in during August/September (I remember some minor stuff, but I think adding it all together was the mistake). There is one thing I did, though: Accepting way too many invitations as a speaker, at least one every two weeks. And, as many of you know, you cannot just travel somewhere and keep working - When I am at a conference, I want to get to talk with the people there, I want to know what are they interested in (why they invited me in the first place), and make friends with them. But this time it was (as it happens every year - Why are most conferences stuck together September-November?) just way too much. Gunnar’s Rule of Future Life No. 2: Be careful on what you accept. It’s easy saying “yes” to a conference. It’s hard keeping sanity afterwards. Ok… I have been going places. For example, two weeks ago I was to San Luis Potosí. Instead of staying there for two days, I left my office at 7PM, took the metro to the bus station, got the bus at 9PM, arrived at 2AM, went to my hotel, woke up at 7:30AM, had breakfast, coded for ~1hr, went to the conference theater, delivered my talk at 11AM, went for a quick lunch (which became a takeaway order) at 1:15PM, got on my bus at 2PM, arrived back in Mexico City at 7PM, got to a (fucking long) meeting at 8PM, left the meeting at 12AM, and finally got back home at 1AM. Fun, huh? Gunnar’s Rule of Future Life No. 3: Yes, it’s fun to travel. It is much more fun to travel when you actually get to know the place! …And pressure has not given way. As soon as I finish with one project, there is another one demanding my attention right away. October has been more than hectic. I had to cancel two invitations (on which I was to go to two cities each time) I was quite looking forward to, in Peru - I am very sorry, friends at Lima, Moquegua, Tacna and Arequipa… But I won’t make it there this year. I am specially frustrated by not being able to make it to Concladeb in Arequipa - I really want to see DebianPeru/DebianArequipa’s good work! And I am specially sorry on canceling today my trip to Moquegua, after they had already booked (and paid) for the tickets… It seems the money will not be lost after all, but I was such a pain in the ass for them, it is not fair I am cancelling… But anyway. Gunnar’s Rule of Future Life No. 4: Remember to learn from past experiences - It feels incredibly as a deja-vu from last year. I hope I am not spoiling any surprises: Today, instead of blogging, I am supposed to be setting up the Comas server for Debconf6. Even with all of my worries, yes, I am still determined to be the man behind the show for Debconf. It will be in Oaxtepec, don’t worry, and it will be a huge success. So let me finish this post quick, and it will be sooner you can register for it ;-) There are still too many points to work on Comas, though. I am setting up a tweaked version, against my will, but with the commitment to fix it transparently and soon. Oh… Yes, and I still have to coordinate with the locals here, as it’s taking forever for us to open the fscking bank account so we can start receiving funds and paying money. Did I mention Debconf would be in Mexico? Ok, I will do my best not to make lateness the norm. Gunnar’s Rule of Future Life No. 5: Try not to bore your audience with too many details. Remember you have to work, and somebody might complain you lose too much time blogging! But before I leave you alone: You might ask why do I mention the addiction in my post title… Well, because I have started treating my main addiction. It is really not easy, and I don’t ever want to know what is it like to have a chemical addiction, like people who abuse drugs. If you have seen me face to face, it should be obvious: I have a very strong addiction to food. For one month already, I have been as conscious as I can every time I open my mouth - And, yes, it was not just three times a day. I have made some advances (sorry, I cannot really measure it, as home scales make it only to 120kg). Today is a big day for me: I was admitted in a pilot obesity control follow-up treatment at my University’s sports health direction. I am very happy about this, as I do need mentoring and hand-holding. This is a seriously difficult process to follow, and I really hope to carry it thoroughly. Fortunately, my health has been perfect until now - But I cannot abuse myself forever.
Gunnar 2005-11-03 07:20:17
RE: Lateness, angst, addiction - Trying to get hold of my life
There are three types of people: Those who can count and those who can’t!
vicm3 2005-11-02 10:49:15
RE: Lateness, angst, addiction - Trying to get hold of my life
Where go rule number 1? Or 2 is your lucky number?