On the OpenSolaris round table at Debconf
Tolimar, liw: Just to give an extra bit of ease, I know Alvaro Lopez, one of the talk’s proponents. I am to some extent an instigator for this talk - Alvaro is definitively a Free Software guy. I know him for several years already. He has been as careful as possible, and told me about his frustration when the whole Nexenta mess erupted. As far as I can say, the cooperation intentions are as serious as you can expect from such a beast as Sun is - I cannot judge more, and I won’t say more in this regard. I just assure you that this talk will not be a presentation on why Solaris is better than Hurd or anything like that. I trust Alvaro (and, transitively, I should also trust Simon). I do hope we get something interesting out of this talk. [update] Alvaro has answered. I’m linking it here as he is not syndicated in Planet Debian.