Upgraded to Jaws 0.6
It took me a long time to upgrade my blog (powered by Jaws) from version 0.4 to 0.5, which has been available since last May. Well, two days ago Pablo announced Jaws 0.6 stable released. and… Well, I didn’t want to be running such old code in my blog, so it’s updated. It mostly works with little tweaking - I just want to edit the theme a bit so I’m no longer that generic, check some links, and… Well, I hope the Jaws upgrade doesn’t flood the planets with my old posts (but still keeps me syndicated ;-) ). Go get Jaws 0.6!
kad 2006-02-06 08:04:31
Re: Upgraded to Jaws 0.6
yes it does flood. :-)
vicm3 2006-02-06 16:07:32
Re: Upgraded to Jaws 0.6
Gravatar support ;) nice… well and it uses less memory as is stated? also I was testing the betas and really don’t like that much AJAX… well… let’s try today on test site, the new jaws… (i think is growing to much on the core ;D