This morning, we woke up to find out that Vicuña, our most senior cat, had passed away. She was 13 years old, and appears to have went away peacefully, shortly before our wakeup time. She chose our home - In March 1994, the first night my mother, brother and me spent at our current home, we woke up with scared, little meow sounds. We found her over our fence - it took us years to finally understand how a baby cat could have got there. I don’t want to start describing all the ways in which Vicuña brought love and light to our life. She gave us such great gifts over her life. We will surely miss her.
curson 2007-02-10 12:43:04
Re: Farewell
I lost my 15 years old cat this December, it still hurts. I’m sorry.
Kevin Mark 2007-02-09 10:27:15
Re: Farewell
Sorry to have read about such a sad thing. But She had the bonus of finding a nice home for 13 years and adding to your life. pax vobiscum kitty :-(
vicm3 2007-02-09 10:13:15
Re: Farewell
To a better world, where are endless scratch posts and catnip.
Ww 2007-02-11 10:31:29
Re: Farewell
Sorry, :’(
Hughs for you and Gaby