Suspend to RAM and video cards not noticing
My dear comment-hating Bubulle, you forced me into writing yet another weblog entry :) I have not yet worked it out completely, but it might be that your problems with suspend to RAM your Dell machine are related to having the Composite or AIGLX extensions loaded. This is just an hypothesis, and might be just wrong, but:
- My Dell XPS M1210 worked beautifully right out of the box. It suspends to RAM without a problem, and comes back to life fresh as lettuce. I have even used the suspend to disk, although I don't really like it if I have an alternative.
- Sometimes, however, I noticed that -only if it has been suspended for around one day or more- resuming does not work - It tries restoring the video state, but seems to continuously fail. I see a X11 cursor (arrow), another X11 cursor (hourglass IIRC), and a block of what appears to be a random memory dump, around 100x100 pixels
- I have not reported this as a bug, as it is damn unpredictable
- I installed AIGLX/Composite/Compiz on my laptop just to show it off to some friends upon first installation. I recently installed them (well, Beryl instead, but that should not prove relevant) on my desktop machine as well, as I was writing an article about it and wanted to provide screenshots
- My desktop machine has an Intel 82865G video card. My laptop has a 945M. I expect them to be quite similar.
- Once, I came back from a weekend, and found the weird video breakage pattern on my desktop as well! Of course, I have not yet removed the AIGLX/Composite configuration from it, expecting the problem to show up again... But no luck. I have had this machine for several months already, and had never seen such a problem
So… Christian, have you tried the plainest X configuration? Have you tried maybe switching to one of the virtual consoles before suspending? Or maybe even shutting down your X session? I hope this helps you chase down your problem. Do not worry, though - I don’t want to be hugged/kissed to death by a cheese-eating translation-loving Frenchman.
Eddy Petrisor 2007-03-06 17:02:18
Re: Suspend to RAM and video cards not noticing
I assume you are using fglrx, but which video card are you using?
Also, which version of the driver are you using? Is it from the Debian package or from the upstream package? If from the upstream package, was that through their generated deb package?
glandium 2007-03-06 07:47:17
Re: Suspend to RAM and video cards not noticing
I am using composite and aiglx and have no problem whatsoever with suspend to disk or ram, except occasionnal freeze on wake from suspend to ram, once in a while.
Gunnar 2007-03-07 06:41:16
I don’t think I use fglrx - grep -ri fglrx /etc/X11 gives no results. Other than that, I’m using regular Debian Sid packages. i865 on the desktop, i945M on the laptop.