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Debian Developers fail Turing tests?

Ok, so two people replied to yesterday's post about triple negations - Dato (by email) and MadCoder. Both, said basically the same thing: || false and && true are silly noops. And yes, knowing this, I added them. Why? Clarity... At least having them at the end of a test shows the statement is of conditional nature (and not just another obscure attempt to do ${DEITY}-knows-what). They at least look cleaner than a one-line-squashed if block in a makefile. To me, at least ;-)

But... If you noticed this post's title, it goes beyond this comment - One of the most benefical effects I noticed when I installed Jaws 0.7 (over 0.6, of course) is that I no longer had the swarms of spambots flooding me - I often had hundreds of comments a day, and nowadays I hardly get any spam. Now, I fail to see what is so strange in my blog's comment forms (it does not even have any obvious Javascript, although it does obfuscate a bit the source of the captcha image). And you are not the first Debian people to complain you cannot post comments to my site. Strangely, few non-Debian people have ever complained.

And yes, the spam has stopped, almost completely.

So, Debian guys: Are you human?


erinn 2007-12-07 15:50:08

Re: Debian Developers fail Turing tests?

hoping I pass…

lanjoe9 2007-12-09 19:25:37

Re: Debian Developers fail Turing tests?

I had an issue with rommel’s blog during which no matter what I tried to post and the fact that I was absolutely sure I had written the right characters.

Yet, some other people could post without problems and ironically, lots of spam got through undetected.. It wasn’t my browser, or my computer, I tried even from ordinary internet cafés but I just couldn’t post anything.

I had the impression jaws hated me (and I hated it back, and that was no impression, I did hate it :P). Fortunately that was fixed after rommel updated his blog and got his table permissions right in mySQL (he actually took me as a test subject to make sure EVERYONE was able to post)

Marga 2007-12-08 05:11:54

Re: Debian Developers fail Turing tests?

I think that the fact that there are like three layers in the captcha makes one doubt about how many chars to enter.

Also, after hitting preview, the captcha changes and the string is erased, and after hitting submit, in case you failed the captcha, all the content is erased. Neither of those practices seem too polite.

Imagine you wrote a very long and elaborate comment, then you preview it, you like it, you hit “Submit Comment” and you are scolded for not filling in the captcha and all your content is lost…

I know, you can hit the “back” button and the content SHOULD still be there, but that depends on the browser… And it seems that hitting the back-button is not captcha compatible.

vicm3 2007-12-07 17:21:43

Re: Debian Developers fail Turing tests?

I had some similar problem but with the mathcaptcha that is also available on Jaws0.7.x some friends had told me that copying the characters in the space don’t work (and I tell that the idea is just that, you have to do the math and give a result not a copy of the numbers)…
