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Apt-get and gems: Different planets, right. But it must not be the war of the worlds!

Thanks to some unexplained comments on some oldish entries on my blog, I found -with a couple of days of delay- Rubigem is from Mars, Apt-get is from Venus, in Pelle’s weblog. And no, I have not yet read the huge amount of comments generated from it… Still, I replied with the following text - And I am leaving this blog post in place to remind me to further extend my opinions later on. Wow… Quite a bit of comments. And yes, given that the author wrote a (very well phrased and balanced) post, I feel obliged to reply. But given that he refered to me first, I’ll just skip the chatter for later - I’m tired this time of day ;-) Pelle, I agree with you - This problem is because we are from two very different mindsets. I have already said so - is a witness to that point. But I do not think the divide is between sysadmins and developers. I am a developer that grew from the sysadmin stance, but that’s not AFAICT that much the fact in Debian. Thing is, in a distribution, we try to cater for common users. I have a couple of Rails apps under development that I expect to be able to package for Debian, and I think can be very useful for the general public. Now, how is the user experience when you install a desktop application, in whatever language/framework it is written? You don’t care what the platform is - you care that it integrates nicely with your environment. Yes, the webapp arena is a bit more difficult - but we have achieved quite a bit of advance in that way. Feel like using a PHP webapp? Just install it, and it’s there. A Python webapp? Same thing. A Perl webapp? As long as you don’t do some black magic (and that’s one of the main factors that motivated me away from mod_perl), the same: Just ask apt-get to install it and you are set. But… What about installing a Rails application? From a package manager? For a user who does not really care about what design philosophy you followed, who might not even know what a MVC pattern is? Thing is, distributions aim at users. And yes, I have gradually adopted a user’s point of view. I very seldom install anything not available as a .deb - and if I do, I try to keep it clean enough so I can package it for my personal use later on. Anyway… I will post a copy of this message in my blog (, partly as a reminder to come back here and read the rest of the buzz. And to go to the other post referenced here. And, of course, I invite other people involved in Ruby and Debian to continue sharing this - I am sure I am not the only person (or, in more fairness, that Debian’s pkg-ruby-extras team is not the only team) interested in bridging this huge divide and get to a point we can interact better - And I am sure that among the Rubyists many people will also value having their code usable by non-developers as well.


Anonymous 2008-12-09 02:37:05

such a good person you are!

such a good person you are!