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Method for locating yourself in space and in time

Today I had a nice and productive day, code-wise. Maybe that’s a side effect from being unable to lose my time following E-mail? Anyway, checking my code with git citool previous to today’s git commit, I came accross this method. I didn’t even pay attention to it while writing. But it did make me laugh in semi-awe thinking about the great implications it might have. The method signature:

def days_for(who, what, how)

The code itself? Naah, too pedestrian, to simplistic. It will ruin the sight. It just looks so beautifully universal!

Ok, I am compelled to share, even if it spoils it and renders it into a completely regular, even stupid method.

def days_for(who, what, how) return ' —No dates set— ' unless who.has_validity_period? days_to = who.send(how) return 'Past' if days_to <= 0 '%d days (%s)' % [days_to, who.send(what)] end


almost Anonymous 2009-08-31 20:28:00

now u are able to find

now u are able to find yourself? r u sure? you will never be lost again? congratulations!!!!!!!!
