Tijuana 2010
I had postponed for too long (being not too strict on myself, around three years) taking my CENEVAL ACREL-Acuerdo 286 exam. This agreement allows people with no formal studies (but over 30 year old and with at least 10 years of experience working on their professional field) to validate their knowledge and obtain a paper legally equivalent to an universitary title.
Anyway — I finally signed up for the exam. However, I did this at the end of the registration period. And when I signed up, there was only room to present the exam at Tijuana — The farthest possible point in the country! Anyway, I decided that it was enough: I would not accept any additional excuses to pospone this even more.
So I travelled to Tijuana. And, of course, I had a couple of long walks around there. Yes, yes, I know Tijuana is known as one of the most dangerous cities in the world — But, what, would I deny myself the opportunity to check this out by myself? No way! And the photos in this album are witness to it.
Calendar for CENEVAL exams, 2010 (0 KB)