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Very. Good. Dinner.

Sometimes dinner turns out just the way you want it. Or even better. This time it was very quick to prepare, and very satisfying. What was it? Just throw in the following ingredients in your favorite wok, in this order. No, don’t ask me about quantities - What seems right should be right. You will be happy.

  1. Olive oil (~2tbsp)
  2. Four garlic cloves, finely chopped
  3. Some coriander (cilantro)
  4. About two inches of a leek (poro) head
  5. Two dry chiles anchos, cut in small bits
  6. One leaf of hoja santa
  7. One fish fillet (I used basa, but I know very little about fish)
  8. ~300g of setas mushrooms
  9. A bit of rum, at the end of the cooking process
