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Planet Plagiarism

Online translators are not hot news anymore. Not by a long, long shot. Still, today I wanted to get a couple of words in Latin. And was amazed that Google’s translation service does not (yet?) offer Latin as an option, so I turned to Translation Guide’s free online translators.

And, as it always happens, I thought, hmmm… and what about the random ramblings on my site?

So on I went to Gunnar Lupus alio domus. Of course, several funny things popped up, many of which I don’t think are proper Latin, but still, among lotsa’ nonsense, I found that Planet Debian gets translated to Plagiarius Debian — Which possibly explains why many people have complained about other unauthorized planetoids plagarizing their posts!


Marcos 2010-08-20 08:31:40

Plagiarius, plagiarius…

I like how the title of this entry becomes quasi-recursive…
