We have released!
If you have seen me anywhere near my computer at DebConf, you probably have seen the face of a hurried, worried developer. Still, if you monitor my Debian-related activity, you will notice it is still quite low, even given my (much needed and very much enjoyed) vacations pre-DebConf. Yes, orga-team work is very time consuming, even if my role is far from central this year. And yes, DebCamp+DebConf are known for sucking time into social interaction, which is great but not so (formally) productive. And yes, I even took 1.5 days off to visit my family and a friend who live in the area…
Still, I managed to release! \☺/
Release what?
I have been working with Pooka for the last ~2 years on the Seminary on Collaborative Knowledge Construction. We assembled a group of ~10 speakers/authors, each of whom prepared a chapter for a book meant for publication. Pooka and me coordinated the work, which took a long time because it was also an interaction experiment (and because we both did it only in our free time).
After the coordination work started fading, I took up the task of coming up with a way to translate it all into LaTeX (and fix a host of conversion bugs, and play with the available packages, and… Hey, I’m after all just a LaTeX newbie, and had to learn to tame the beast!), I stumbled upon that precious fact that makes so many projects release.
I stumbled upon a deadline.
We want to publish the book under the seal of IIEc-UNAM. Besides my workplace, it is a very well regarded university, and having its seal in our work is definitively a big plus. And the Publications Committee of my Institute is meeting this week - So I had to send our final manuscript by today.
Having a deadline overlapping with DebConf sucks. But somehow, I managed to do the needed work to my complete satisfaction. The work is now in the Committee’s hands, and I expect to have more news soon(ish).
Oh, and where can you get our work? Well, if you register in our site, you will be able to read the whole contents. And once the book is approved and published, the whole work will be published online under a free (CC-BY-SA) license.
BTW, that probably means I will have more time to fix my Debian bugs and pending stuff! \☻/
carocr 2010-08-02 18:26:04
great news
Hey, great news! I knew it was possible :-)
(you wrote the verb “leave” instead of “live”… what would Freud say?). Hugs. There’s coffee waiting for you at home.
gwolf 2010-08-03 08:20:20
Corrected I stand
Thanks! Well, as for Prof. Freud’s hidden meanings: Yes, my friends who live here had to leave Mexico at some point… Is that it? :)