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I am going to DebConf11 — Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina


I'm going to DebConf11 As others have started posting in Planet Debian, I’ll do my part: Yesterday I finished booking our flights, so if everything goes as planned, Reg and me will be arriving to Zagreb (Croatia) at 21:30, Monday July 18, to take part of the 12th Debian development conference, DebConf11, in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina!

Of course, reiterating this will never hurt: Do you want to support a global-scale, well-recognized, community-based Free Software project development? Be a sponsor for DebConf11!”

Be a sponsor for DebConf11!

Want some more DebConf11 banners and posters?


DC11_web_120x120_01.png (10 KB)
