From DebCamp to DebConf through cheese, wine and an intro track
One week. One long week. One beautiful week. One of the two major weeks of the year has passed since my previous post. Surely, we are in the middle of the two Major Weeks of the year, in the yearly schedule I have upheld for almost(!) ten years: DebConf+DebCamp.
Yesterday, DebConf officially started. For the first time ever, we had a DebConf track targetted at the local (for a wide definition of local: All of the Central American countries) communities, which I chaired.
We had the following talk lineup during this track:<ul><li>Empaquetando software para Debian (Gunnar Wolf)</li><li> Introduction to Debian translation workflow and processes (Christian Perrier)</li><li>OpenPGP discussion and skillshare (Daniel Kahn Gillmor)</li><li> Empaquetando colaborativamente con git y collab-maint (Ulises Vitulli)</li><li> Uso del sistema de manejo de errores de Debian (Hector Colina)</li><li> Building free software communities (Leandro Gómez)</li></ul>
I believe it was a great success, and I hope the talks are useful in the future. They will be put online soon thanks to the tireless work of our work team.
Today we sadly lost the presence of our DPL due to very happy circumstances he will surely announce himself. But DebConf will continue nevertheless - And proof of that is our anual, great, fun and inviting Cheese and Wine Party!
After a series of organizational hiccups I hope nobody notices (oops, was I supposed not to say this?), today we had a beautiful, fun and most successful cheese and wine party, as we have had year after year since 2005.
As many other people, we did our humble contribution for this party to be the success it deserves.
There is lots of great cheeses, great wines, and much other great stuff we have to thank to each of the individuals who made this C&W party the success it was. Yes, it might be among the least-academic parts of our conference, but at the same time, it’s one of its most cherished -and successful- traditions. And above all else, we have to thank our Great Leader^W^WCheeseMaster (who we still need to convince to play by our Great Leader’s mandates - And no, I don’t mean Zack here!)
Hugs and thanks to my good and dear friend Christian Perrier for giving form to one of DebConf’s social traditions that makes it so unique, so different from every other academic or communitary conference I have ever been part of.
We still have most of the week to go. And if you are not in Managua (and are not coming soon), you can follow our activities following our video streams.
Remember, debian/rules, now more than ever! And even given the (perpetual) heat in Managua: Wheezy is frozen, whee!
[ all photos here taken by regina ]
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