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Mecanismos emergentes de desregulación en la red

Throughout the years, since the Internet was opened for commercial use in the mid-1990s (and gave way for the bulk of the population to start using the network, leading to the massification towards the end of the decade) the notion that the cyberspace is a bold new free space, without rules or regulations, ruled for some time. In those years it was common to refer to the Internet as to a «Wild West» where anybody could do whatever they pleased.

Little by little, that apparent lack of laws started to change, be it as laws usually applied to other scopes started being applied, be it because of specific laws regarding online behaviour. We also started seeing the legal difficulties this meant: An almost constant extraterritoriality of each of the parties (and computers) involved in every action.

However, going back to the origins of the Internet as a research network founded by the United States Department of Defense, how this space, by nature highly regulated, became the ideal place for freedom of expression and anonymacy to flourish becomes a natural question.

Today, Internet is migrating towards a model strongly linked to the two large “social networks”: Twitter and Facebook. This migration poses important changes in the way we relate to computers — to such a degree it has to be more deeply analyzed. In the third part of this exposition I sketch the main challenges this means to us.

This presentation was prepared for the Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI) seminar in Quito, Ecuador, 2012-11-22.


Parte 1 del video (formato AVI) (38816 KB)

Parte 1 del video (formato Ogg) (10493 KB)

Parte 2 del video (formato AVI) (81494 KB)

Parte 2 del video (formato Ogg) (22185 KB)

Parte 3 del video (formato AVI) (74936 KB)

Parte 3 del video (formato Ogg) (20298 KB)

Presentación (fuentes en Emacs Org-mode) (14 KB)

Presentación (PDF) (195 KB)