Looking for a (small) place to host a Free Software-related meeting, course or similar in Mexico City?
Hey, Mexican hackers!
If anybody is interested in holding a small Free Software-related meeting (say, with up to 10-15 people) in the South of Mexico City, please tell me — We have adapted a nice room at our house where we want to invite people to come and do activities — Courses, meetings, whatever. It is not very big (~5×5 meters), but it has all of the needed amenities (some chairs, a projector, coffee-related amenities, and is very conveniently located). We are not charging for hosting your activities (but will of course want to schedule it beforehand with you).
So, if you have something to teach, or some project to hack on, and want a nice place to do it in, please drop us a line/call.
(hmh, yes, this is one of the posts that should probably be in Spanish — But this blog has a long-standing policy for English content ;-)
Grillo 2013-04-03 01:18:34
¿Y se pueder poner un colchón
¿Y se pueder poner un colchón y dormir ahí mientras no haya actividades? jeje, saludos Gunnar :-P
Grillo 2013-04-03 01:20:19
Mira pues, yo queriendo
Mira pues, yo queriendo comentar algo y tu página se pone grosera:
Blogspam checker has blocked this post due to: SPAM:No reverse DNS entry for
Grillo 2013-04-11 00:43:12
gwolf 2013-04-03 16:34:14
Sí, pero por fin lo lograste ;-)
El modulito “blogspam” de Drupal me ha librado de una cantidad muy molesta de spam… Así que uno que otro falso positivos son tolerables. Además, de norteños, no se pierde ná ;-)
gwolf 2013-04-03 16:35:25
¡Hombre! Lo que es la falta de confianza…
…Para eso tenemos otros cuartos, también a disposición de la comunidad. Lo que es más, diferentes partes de la comunidad podrán atestiguar que no miento.