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For people in Mexico: Workshop next Wednesday! Video editing from the command line (by Chema Serralde, @joseserralde)

(Yes, yes… Maybe I should post in Spanish.. But hey, gotta keep consistecy in my blog!)

General, public, open invitation

Are you in Mexico City, or do you plan to be next Wednesday (December 11)?

Are you interested in video edition? In Free Software?

I will have the pleasure to host at home the great Chema Serralde, a good friend, and a multifacetic guru both in the technical and musical areas. He will present a workshop: Video editing from the command line.

I asked Chema for an outline of his talk, but given he is a busy guy, I will basically translate the introduction he prepared for this same material in FSL Vallarta, held two weeks ago.

With the help of the commandline, you can become a multimedia guru. We will edit a video using just a terminal. This skill will surprise your friends — and your couple. But the most important is that this knowledge is just an excuse to understand step by step what does a video CODEC mean, what is a FORMAT, and how video and audio editors work; by using this knowledge, you will be able to set the basis for multimedia editing, without the promises and secrets of propietary editors. How much does my file weigh and why? How to improve a video file's quality? Why cannot I read my camera's information from GNU/Linux? By the end of this workshop, we well see how some libraries help you develop your first audio and video application, what are their main APIs and uses.


Everybody is welcome to come for free, no questions asked, no fees collected. I can offer coffee for all, but if you want anything else to eat/drink, you are welcome to bring it.

We do require you to reserve and confirm your place (mail me to my usual mail address). We have limited space, and I must set an absolute quota of 10 participants.

Some people hide their address… Mine is quite publicly known: Av. Copilco 233, just by Parque Hugo Margain, on the Northern edge of UNAM (Metro Copilco).

The course starts at 16:00, and lasts… As long as we make it last ;-)

So, that said… See you there! :-D

[update]: Chema sent me the list of topics he plans to cover. Copy/pasting from his mail, in Spanish:

José María Serralde Ruiz, facilitador
  1. Editando como cavernícola.
    1. Manipulación básica de archivos multimedia en entornos POSIX.
    2. Sé un Bash VJ (videojockey)
    3. Vaciando y entubando
  2. Editando como científico.
    1. Encabezados y fourcc
    2. 3 familias de CODECS de vídeo y sus patentes
    3. 3 famlias de CODECS de audio y sus patentes
    4. Muxers, demuxers y muxes.
  3. Editando como artista.
    1. Cajas de herramientas en software libre para procesamiento de vídeo.
    2. Procesamiento en tiempo real de vídeo (el que se crea artista pierde)
    3. Derritiendo vídeo, audio con calcetines MELT + SOX
Software necesario (sistemas operativos POSIX, windouseros acercarse con el afán de repensar sus vidas): mplayer, avconv/ffmpeg (libavcodec), melt, sox, imagemagick


gwolf 2013-12-06 10:13:00

List of attendees

…And I will keep here the public list of attendees. Please, everybody: Be there! Remember I might start bouncing people away if we pass the given threshold. (I expect to be a bit relaxed on this topic, but… Just a bit ;-) I know the place, and it has a limited capacity)


  1. Gunnar Wolf
  2. Carlos Cruz
  3. Jose Carlos Mendoza
  4. Jorge Benet "ventolinmono"
  5. Nephtalí Gallardo
  6. Stephen Mahood
  7. Enrique Rosas
  8. Jacobo Nájera
  9. Natsue Montes de Oca
  10. Imelda Montiel
  11. Mario Rendón
  12. Angélica Cortés "caliopedreams"
  13. José Espinosa
  14. Amiga de José Espinosa