Editorial process starting in 3... 2... 1...
Today I finally submitted our book, Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos, for the Editorial Department of our institute. Of course, I’m not naïve enough to assume there won’t be a heavy editorial phase, but I’m more than eager to dive into it… And have the book printed in maybe two months time!
Of course, this book is to be published under a free license (CC-BY-SA). And I’m talking with the coauthors, we are about to push the Git repository to a public location, as we believe the source for the text and figures can also be of interest to others.
The book itself (as I’ve already boasted about here :-} ) is available (somewhat as a preprint) for download.
[update] Talked it over with the coauthors, and we finally have a public repository! Clone it from:
Or just browse it from Github’s web interface.
reg 2014-07-29 11:30:29
¡ya falta menos!¡qué
¡ya falta menos!¡qué felicidad!