Starting a project on private and anonymous network usage
I am starting a work with the students of LIDSOL (Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Software Libre, Free Software Research and Development Laboratory) of the Engineering Faculty of UNAM:
We want to dig into the technical and social implications of mechanisms that provide for anonymous, private usage of the network. We will have our first formal work session this Wednesday, for which we have invited several interesting people to join the discussion and help provide a path for our oncoming work. Our invited and confirmed guests are, in alphabetical order:
- Salvador Alcántar (Wikimedia México)
- Sandino Araico (1101)
- Gina Gallegos (ESIME Culhuacán)
- Juliana Guerra (Derechos Digitales)
- Jacobo Nájera (Enjambre Digital)
- Raúl Ornelas (Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas) </a> As well as LIDSOL's own teachers and students. This first session is mostly exploratory, we should keep notes and decide which directions to pursue to begin with. Do note that by "research" we are starting from the undergraduate student level — Not that we want to start by changing the world. But we do want to empower the students who have joined our laboratory to change themselves and change the world. Of course, helping such goals via the knowledge and involvement of projects (not just the tools!) such as Tor. ### Attachments [cartelito_tor.png](/files/cartelito_tor_0.png) (85 KB) [cartel_0001_tor_01.png](/files/cartel_0001_tor_01.png) (389 KB)