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Many random blurbs on Debian

I have been busy as hell this year. I might have grabbed a bigger bite than what I can swallow – In many fronts! Anyway, sitting at an airport, at least I have time to spew some random blurbs to The Planet and beyond!

We all feared when no candidates showed up at the first call for DPL. But things sorted out themselves as they tend to (and as we all knew that would happen ;-) ), and we have four top-notch DPL candidates. It's getting tough to sort through their platforms and their answers in the lists; the old-timers among us have the additional advantage of knowing who they are and probably having worked closely with some of them. I am still drafting my Condorcet ballot. It won't be an easy task to completely rank them!
DebConf 20 and world politics
For personal and selfish reasons, I am very, very happy to have a reason to go back to Israel after over two decades. Of course, as everybody would expect, there is a bothering level of noise that's not going to quiet down until probably late August 2020... DebConf has often taken controversial turns. Israel is not the toughest one, even if it seems so to some readers. And... Well, to those that want to complain about it — Please do understand that the DebConf Committee is not a politically-acting body. Two bid submissions were presented fully, and the Israeli one was chosen because its local team is stronger. That is probably the best, most important criteria for this conference to be successful. No, it's not like we are betraying anything — It's just the objective best bidding we got from completely volunteer teams.
DebConf 19
What are you waiting for? Register! Submit a talk! Pack up and get your ticket for Brazil!

I’d better get moving, the plane might be getting some ideas about taking off.
