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#FLISOL at Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM - April 25 and 26 @lidsol @comunidadfi @die_fi_unam @FIUNAM_MX #FIUNAM

After several years of absence, LIDSOL (Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Software Libre) is once again organizing a FLISOL!

And what is a FLISOL? It is the Festival Latinoamericano de Investigación y Desarrollo de Software Libre — An activity that started off as an installfest, but went on to become a full set of conferences. Set of conferences? Yes, because FLISOL happens more-or-less simultaneously (the official date is the last Saturday of April, but there is tolerance for it to happen up to a couple of weeks around it) all over Latin America. This year, FLISOL will be held at different cities in Germany, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Rep. Dominicana, Uruguay and Venezuela.

So, besides the install fest that will be continuously happening on tables at the entrance of the auditorium, we will have a very interesting set of talks for Thursday and Friday, April 25 and 26, at the main auditorium of Facultad de Ingeniería (Auditorio Javier Barros Sierra):

<img src=”” width=”637” height”412”>

A rough translation for the talks (yes, this is aimed at a local audience, but my blog is in English for $reasons ;-) ) follows:

Thursday, April 25
Hackers and Free Software, the immune system of Internet (Hiram Camarillo)
The Debian project: Beyond the mother of all distributions (Gunnar Wolf)
Advantages of communities, and how to contribute (Luis E. Jiménez Robles)
DeepDream with TensofFlow (Alejandro Hernández)
Science + Free Software = <3 (Diego Barriga)
Modbus Protocol: A present risk in Industrial Control Systems (Paulo Contreras Flores)
Friday, April 26
It's not your friend, it's proprietary software (Paul Aguilar)
Introduction to Fedora (Efrén A. Robledo)
Fedora Containers Lab (dockerless containers) (Alex Callejas)
Programmers sought: How to save the world without dying in the attempt (Irene Soria)
git + CI + CD = Devops (Andrés Hernández)


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