FLISOL • Talking about Jitsi
Every year since 2005 there is a very good, big and interesting Latin American gathering of free-software-minded people. Of course, Latin America is a big, big, big place, and it’s not like we are the most economically buoyant region to meet in something equiparable to FOSDEM.
What we have is a distributed free software conference — originally, a distributed Linux install-fest (which I never liked, I am against install-fests), but gradually it morphed into a proper conference: Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre (Latin American Free Software Installation Festival)
This FLISOL was hosted by the always great and always interesting Rancho Electrónico, our favorite local hacklab, and has many other interesting talks.
I like talking about projects where I am involved as a developer… but this time I decided to do otherwise: I presented a talk on the Jitsi videoconferencing server. Why? Because of the relevance videoconferences have had over the last year.
So, without further ado — Here is a video I recorded locally from the talk I gave (MKV), as well as the slides (PDF).