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Now that we are talking about kernel building... What about firebuild?

After my last post, Bálint (who prompted it with his last post) suggested I should do a hybrid test of his tests and my extremes. He suggested I should build the Linux kernel using my Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB model), but using the Firebuild build accelerator.

Before going any further: I must make clear that while Firebuild is freely redistributable, it is not made available under a free license. It is free for personal use or commercial trial, but otherwise requires licensing.

Bálint managed to build a Linux kernel in just over 8 seconds. So, how did my test go? My previous experiment, using -j 4, built Linux in ~100 minutes; this was about a year ago, and I’m now building linux 6.1, so I timed this again. To get a baseline, I built my kernel from a just-unpacked tree, just as usual:

# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time make -j4
real    117m30.588s
user    392m41.434s
sys     52m2.556s

Of course, having all of the object files built makes the rebuild process quite faster (this is still done without firebuild). I understand calling make defconfig without cleaning does not change much, but I saw it often referenced in firebuild’s docs, so I’m leaving it:

# time make -j 4
real    0m43.822s
user    1m36.577s
sys     0m40.805s

Then, I did a first run using firebuild. Firebuild is a caching build optimizer, so the first run will naturally be somewhat slower (but if you often rebuild your kernel, it should be seen as an investment). Now, in the Raspberry Pi, that uses a slow SD card interface for its storage… It is a heavy investment. The first time I built with firebuild, it meant almost a 100% build time hit:

# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    212m58.647s
user    391m49.080s
sys     81m10.758s

Not only that; I am using a fairly decent and big 32GB card, but this is quite a big price to pay in such a limited system!

# du -sh .cache/firebuild/
4.2G    .cache/firebuild/

I did a build without cleaning the build directory, using firebuild, and it does help — although not by so much as in higher performance systems:

# cd /usr/src/linux-source-6.1
# make clean
# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    68m6.621s
user    98m32.514s
sys     31m41.643s

So, it built in roughly 65% of the time it would take to build regularly. And what about rebuilding without cleaning?

# make defconfig
# time firebuild make -j 4
real    1m11.872s
user    2m5.807s
sys     1m46.178s

In this case, using firebuild worked roughly 30% slower than not using it. I guess the high number of file ops inside .cache/firebuild are to blame, as in the case of the media I’m using, those are quite expensive; make went its way basically checking date stamps between *.c and *.o (yes, very roughly), and while running under firebuild, I suppose each of these meant an extra lookup inside the cache.

So… Experiment requested, experiment performed! 😉
