Many terabytes for students to play with. Thanks Debian!
My students at LIDSOL (Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Software Libre, Free Software Research and Development Lab) at Facultad de Ingeniería, UNAM asked me to help them get the needed hardware to set up a mirror for various free software projects. We have some decent servers (not new servers, but mirrors don’t require to be top-performance), so…
A couple of weeks ago, I approached the Debian Project Leader (DPL) and suggested we should buy two 16TBhard drives for this project, as it is the most reasonable cost per byte point I found. He agreed, and I bought the drives. Today we had a lab meeting, and I handed them over the hardware.
Of course, they are very happy and thankful with the Debian project 😃 In the last couple of weeks, they have already set up an Archlinux mirror (, and now that they have heaps of storage space, plans are underway to set up various other mirrors (of course, a Debian mirror will be among the first).