Back to work / News that make you shout in anger
Ok, so -effective yesterday, January 6, as we were on vacations until that precise day- I am finally hired at IIEc-UNAM (Economics Research Institute at the Mexico National Autonomous University). Life looks rosy and beautiful. Being an academic worker of a big university makes you… …Do paperwork. I spent two days preparing my workplan for this year. Then, my boss told me I used the wrong format, that I didn’t need to include the justification, only the points I intend to cover. Ok… Well, it is done now - But, as I have already worked at UNAM, I know this is only the first of many, many papers I will move in the next years. Fortunately, I was able to do some real job as well. IIEc really surprised me - I was hired mainly as a sysadmin - But there are currently no services in the institute. The mail accounts are handled externally. Even the Web page is in an external server. Some groups have started setting up their servers - Well, the first point in my workplan is to restructure the Institute’s severs - Provide here all the services that are currently provided in DGSCA, and consolidate the different services offered by different groups into the servers under my control. And just today I stumbled upon a group that was just requesting to buy a server for their database, explained them the benefits of having a single administration, convinced them to set up their services in my server… I hope this gets me at least some extra RAM or speed for the server I want to buy ;-)
On a very different topic: I must express my regret and anger. Reading my favorite newspaper, I see (and in the back cover, no less!) that after 15 years of work, the Mexican Simpsons dubbing team will be fired because Grabaciones y Doblajes Internacionales, one of Mexico’s main dubbing companies, refuses to hire people who have joined the ANDA (Asociación Nacional de Actores, National Actors Association) union. This is an illegal measure. And it will destroy one of the finest dubbing works that we have. I really fear the result. Yes, I am a Simpsons junkie. This problem really saddens me. Sue me.
Cynthia 2005-02-24 07:09:32
RE: Back to work / News that make you shout in anger
It’s a lie that Grabaciones y Doblajes Internacionales have fired or refused to hire people who have joined the ANDA. ANDA don’t want people to work at Grabaciones Y Doblajes Internacionales. Make a better research next time. Cynthia
reg 2005-01-10 18:33:29
RE: Back to work / News that make you shout in anger
even in english, your words seems to be poetry. even talking about Simpsons`s troubles. beso. reg