Back to... Normality?
Yesterday night, without all the stares and ceremony I would have liked for such an important moment (but, hell, it was ~500m away of the Oaxtepec entrance!), I gave the three-finger-salute and rebooted After some seconds, I started unplugging the six Ethernet cables that this noble machine held together forming Debconf6’s connection to the world (thanks, Punk0 and [friend]Jyr[/friend], for working with this bunch of crazy and nervous people, five days nonstop until the wireless link between homer and moe worked fine and reliably, and still talking to us!) and ran back to the hacklab to finish packing the van with the lent equipment. Ok, so now moe is back in its place, my office (believe it or not, yes, today I came back to work). Its identity has been restored to, and moe’s ancient but still working hard drive now sits idly where it belongs, in my desktop drawer. I am back in my place again, tired as I can be, but really happy of having ~250 of my closest friends visit my country. Besides, I am very happy that, AFAIK, this Debconf is the one that most people spend some time on an after-trip. I am really happy with what we did at Debconf, even given all the problems we originally had. And… Well, I eagerly wait for Debconf7, where I expect to spend much more time attending talks - but most importantly, hanging out with you, having nice, fun talks/mao/whatnot. PS: Alfie, you are severly mentally disturbed!