Aggressive bug reports leading to a good answer (or so I hope)
Joey complains about users filing aggressive or otherwise inappropriate bug reports. Well, in this case I must say I bit the bullet.
Yesterday, somebody complained about the maintenance statuse of libapache2-mod-perl2. Usually, I would have sadly nodded and said that, yes, since the API change between mod_perl for Apache 1.x and mod_perl2 for Apache 2.x (which was a long time ago - with perfect timing not to be accepted in the last weeks of Sarge’s hard-freeze period, causing many of us to have to maintain two or even three versions of our code depending on the API used - But that’s a different story I won’t go into details now). But this time, the bug report was sent with Severity: critical.
I replied to this report, intending just to lower its priority and get the attention of the maintainers by sending it to a couple of Debian lists - But soon afterwards, it became obvious that I was probably the person most interested in this package in Debian - At least, me and some other pkg-perl fellows who -as foolishly as myself- volunteered to step forward when needed.
Well, in short: I am now the proud owner of one of the packages most vital for many of the systems I’ve written for my work. It’s also more complex than most of the other packages I maintain. From an undermaintained and quite full of warnings build process and resulting package set, I managed to make it linda- and lintian- clean, and… Well, now we have to dig through its open bugs. Its build system is far from orthodox from a Perl point of view, and that took me most of the day, but hey - TIMTOWTDI, right? :)