DebConf17 Key Signing Party: You are here↓
I ran my little analysis program written last year to provide a nice map on the DebConf17 key signing party, based on the . What will you find if you go there?
- A list of all the people that will take part of the KSP
- Your key's situation relative to the KSP keyring
As an example, here is my location on the map (click on the graph to enlarge):
Its main use? It will help you find what clusters are you better linked with - And who you have not cross-signed with. Some people have signed you but you didn’t sign them? Or the other way around? Whom should you approach to make the keyring better connected? Can you spot some attendees who are islands and can get some help getting better connected to our keyring? Please go ahead and do it!
PS— There are four keys that are mentioned in the DebConf17 Keysigning Party Names file I used to build this from: 0xE8446B4AC8C77261, 0x485E1BD3AE76CB72, 0x4618E4C700000173, E267B052364F028D. The public keyserver network does not know about them. If you control one of those keys and you want me to run my script again to include it, please send it to the keyservers and mail me. If your key is not in the keyservers, nobody will be able to sign it!