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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 250

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Audience looking right
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At the bar
The Sapotek guys: Sandino and Oscar Attachments (0 KB)

A night at the Caribe
Yesterday night we went to a small bar quite close to our house (Caribe, just outside Metro Universidad) to see three groups, Sanatorio São Patricio, Huevos revoltosos and Ballet Parkingson. We were invited by our friend Héctor Pisano, who is part of the first and third groups. And just by chance, once we got there Nadezhda recognized the place as one of her usual highschool hangouts, and Huevos Revoltosos as the in-house band for well over 10 years. Nice night. It is good to have some time just to escape :-)

IMAP namespaces
How come seemingly no one ever gets RFC 2342 right? I recently set up a Courier IMAP server for a new client. A nice setup, all in all… But my client was complaining he could not create any folders in it. All he ever got from the server was a not-so-nice Invalid mailbox name from the server. Dive into Courier’s documentation and into RFC 2060. Having done some work wrapping network services (and, by far, most of my work was devoted to fully understanding and implementing SMTP and POP3), it was easy to get to this point: $ telnet my.server...

no a los diablitos 3
Oficially, the Mexican government is against using *BSD! Attachments (0 KB) Comments Pelle 2008-12-04 15:51:22 Bastards!!! That is Bastards!!! That is brilliant.

Back from GULEV
Ok, I spent a good part of last week at the annual GULEV conference, in Veracruz. I had the opportunity of spending almost five days (travel time included) full time with my friends from the Mexican community and, sometimes, from abroad, catching up on what each of us is doing, having some beer (or a bit more than that), etc. Although many of the regulars didn’t show up this time, we had quite a nice time. I have currently no photos available, but I hope to have them ready by tomorrow on my blog. Something strange happened this time in...

Debootstrap/Fedora - Debootstrap/MIPS - Veracruz
Ok, so I finally migrated my client’s server to Debian (from a very ugly Fedora install). The process was mostly painless, but I did stumble upon a couple of details. A quick summary, for those not familiar with Debootstrap. I want to do a nice document later, although my experience was mostly based on Cross install howto for Debian. First of all, a primer for those not familiar with it. Debootstrap is a program that allows for setting up Debian installations within chroot environments - Both the old and the new Debian installer use it behind the scenes to set...

Ximian guys et. al.
The Ximian crowd on the left. On the right, David, happy as ever, and Ale, fierce looking Attachments (0 KB)

with Eric López
With Eric López, from FSL Attachments (0 KB)

Wanted, dead or alive Attachments (0 KB)

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