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You might have noticed that during last week the Mexican Debian mirror, (a.k.a., a.k.a., went offline. The motherboard died on us, and Facultad de Ciencias was kind enough to give us a brand new one. So, excuse us for the blackout, but we are back – Meaner and badder than ever before!

Now, Sergio (nisamox’s main admin) prefered to rebuild the whole mirror, as there was a shadow of doubt regarding the data integrity. So, rsync was pulling as fast as he could for the whole weekend (leading to some people scratching their heads regarding the 404 for the missing files; sorry, we should have left Apache shut down until the mirror was complete!). After three days of sustaining a 10-20Mbps download from the main mirrors, all 364GB of Debian are finally installed and –as you can clearly see– we are back to normality, with small, regular mirror pulses and a nice sustained 5-10Mbps (with some up to 40Mbps peaks — We have seen up to 100Mbps peaks in the past, and I doubt with the current network infrastructure we won’t top that).

You can see we have currently plenty of disk space still to fill up. Among our plans is to host the most popular ISOs, which are a common request, and… What else? Well, ask us and we shall do so (quite probably).

Ethernet usage over the last week

Disk space usage over the last week

So, if you switched away from due to our downtime, readjust your mirror settings. Nisamox is back!


Nisamox disk space statistics for the last week (24 KB)

Nisamox Ethernet statistics for the last week (23 KB)


vicm3 2009-05-20 06:23:33

In fact

I go for, I was wondering what had happened to nisamox… also thinking on put a cache or a partial mirror on work… but it’s good to hear it’s running again and well.
