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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 226

Showing posts 2251 – 2260

Quite different, indeed
How has this Debconf been to me? Quite different than what I expected. Having the responsability to have the information ordered and ready for everything to happen, managing the database up and down, has become a very time-intensive task. I actually managed to take a day off with Danny, Amaya, Alberto and Jeroen to visit Talinn (Estonia), and it made quite a good difference - without that vacation I’d be burnt out already. This trip was quite bloggable - Yesterday I had written a long entry about it, but a fucking mouse gesture erased it from Firefox… I just managed...

Unofficial hacklab set up in the dorm
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The intrepid guys who went to Talinn
Me, Jeroen, Amaya, Danny and Alberto, waiting for the ferry to leave Helsinki Attachments (0 KB)

The ferry to Talinn!
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The Comas server at HIP
Hosted at the Helsinki Institute of Physics. This is my baby and I love it. Attachments (0 KB)

Talinn medieval festival
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Talinn main square
Complete with a medieval festival! Attachments (0 KB)

Talinn cathedral
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Talinn cathedral door
…Closed for us. Attachments (0 KB)

Strange things seen on the ferry - III
On the ferry to Talinn: Not only that they drink and dance early in the morning, they even put all the emphasis in it! Attachments (0 KB)

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