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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 225

Showing posts 2241 – 2250

A very low bridge for which many had to duck
…On the boat to Suomenlinna, our daytrip Attachments (0 KB)

A toilet with a view!
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A seagull in Suomenlinna, contemplative
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A proud Tore, an old harddisk
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1909 telephony relay central - Helsinki Museum of Technology
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Simple life in Sweden / help with Telia!
Over one week ago, just after Debconf finished and Ville and Nadezhda came back from Russia, Nadezhda and I left Finland to come spend a bit over a week at my mother’s house in Fritsla, close to Boras, in Western Sweden. We have been, as I promised, having real vacations - this means, no network access, not over 1hr straight on the computer. Of course, as we say in Mexico, I cannot deny my church’s cross - I cannot get away from what I am. My mother’s connection to the outside world is still a 56k dialup line. Not only...

Back to life, but Debconf is over
The last four days of Debconf people saw me with a strange, evil look in my eyes. Once they asked me what had me so down, I just told them my personal mail/web server was down. It took me four days to get somebody at home to reboot it - But well, in the end, I am back to the online life. Yes, back just temporarily, just to state the sad truth: Debconf5 is over. We even held the first Debconf5 Post-mortem Gathering in downtown Helsinki, around 25 people having a last dinner together. Since we parted, well… It is...

Suomenlinna / DebSauna
Ok, so this was the “enjoy yourself” day! In the morning/afternoon, a nice trip to Suomelina, a fortress island just south of Helsinki. Very nice place, and a good opportunity to just relax, walk a bit and talk with the crowd. It was a guided trip, and I usually hate that, but this time it was quite decent, and anyway we had plenty of time for ourselves - Which we spent talking on politics in the ex-USSR republics, the EZLN in Mexico, eating the italian crew’s mortadela and accompanying spices, sleeping, making fun at those who sleep, and a nice...

Debian Project Leader Branden Robinson
Complete with crown and hairdo! Attachments (0 KB)

Good, things run smooth!
It has been basically two days I am not stuck in the reception, and that things seem to basically run smooth. I still owe Andreas some pieces of Comas functionality (which I hope will be ready by tomorrow), but it’s been quite nice. I have even started doing some Debian-related job, adopting three packages I had pending, stomping on some bugs (although there was already a bug-squishing party yesterday night, which involved tequila, vodka, chapulines and some other stuff I don’t remember the names for - I think a good proportion of my chapulines were happily squished by Debconf drunk...

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