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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 229

Showing posts 2281 – 2290

Aschwin at Smokki
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Aschwin and Amaya at Smokki
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Approaching Talinn!
Our first glimpse at Estonia Attachments (0 KB)

A "garlic restaurant"?
Would have liked dining there… Actually, bringing my father over to dine there. Too expensive for us, though Attachments (0 KB)

The forest and the lake near the dorm
Went out for a walk early in the morning, found this… Very nice place. Attachments (0 KB)

So they knew?
The airplane crew knew they were taking me to Debconf. How nice! Attachments (0 KB)

See you in HEL!
Indeed! Attachments (0 KB)

Parked outside my room
WTF? (BTW: “varattu sauna” wants to be Spanish? A cheap sauna?) Attachments (0 KB)

Nice view of the HUT Otaniemi campus
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My baggage got stuck in Paris...
So the nice folks at Helsinki gave a night kit - Complete with everything needed to have a nice night and receive the bagagge in the morning. Nicest thing: The T-shirt fits perfectly! Attachments (0 KB)

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