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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 230

Showing posts 2291 – 2300

Miss the darkness
It has been two days already since I got to Finland, and I haven’t sent a line to this blog. Some people are actually angry at my lack of communication… Well, guys, please come over, you are all invited - It is very hard to keep some time for yourself in this kind of situations. We are currently around 30 people at Otaniemi, Helsinki, working towards having a great Debconf in a couple of days. We have -at least- people from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Spain, Bosnia, Argentina and Mexico - and it is great. We are all...

Helsinki greets me...
…With a double rainbow! Attachments (0 KB)

Early comers chatting at night
It was darkish, so this photo must have been taken 0:00-2:00AM. Attachments (0 KB)

Debconf Dorms
This building will host ~200 people in the next two weeks. We are its first guests, it was just built! Attachments (0 KB)

A great view, some 200m from the dorm
Our dorm building is the orange one behind the trees. You better like this picture, my poor laptop sweated assembling it! Attachments (0 KB)

Tired / getting ready to take off
Ok, so it is almost 2AM. Unlike many of you, this is not an usual hour to see me awake - I am a nice wake-up-at-8, sleep-at-12 guy. But this last couple of weeks have been hectic, and this is the culmination of the fscking process. Shit, no, it’s not yet the culmination… Tomorrow I’ll have to make a quick space to do some UPN work, which I have left aside for most of the week… At UNAM, things are going well. I have a couple of systems ready to be used, my institute already has a half-decent network presence...

On Debconf5's scheduling
AJ Towns wonders how the hell the timetable didn’t seem to obey to any logic. Well… I agree with you: It was completely computer-generated, and there are many points that should have been taken into account, but were not. This is the second scheduling algorithm that has been used with Comas - I didn’t suggest our previous one, as Don Armstrong’s implementation introduced voting according to your interests so you don’t get locked out by having two interesting talks at once. Of course, this is the first time his algorithm is tried - but it is running on, sorry, incomplete...

Some months ago, I (as well as some other old-time friends) was contacted by my friend Nopal to help Jason Scott translate to Spanish his project of the last couple of years: The BBS documentary, a 3-DVD documentary of the start of our online lives. I joined BBSes in 1992 and started my own in 1993, but there is material in there dating back to 1979 (CBBS)! Well, in the end we didn’t coordinate as tightly as we should have, so we only managed to translate the bonus tracks, not the main feature. Some material we translated didn’t make it...

BBS: The documentary
The disks! Attachments (0 KB)

Turi and Panx
at Rectoría UPN Attachments (0 KB)

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