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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 231

Showing posts 2301 – 2310

PostgreSQL - Front
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PostgreSQL - Back
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Debian Sarge, on air-force beige
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Debian Sarge - Detail
Showing the medal on the right pocket. The text reads: “>9000 src pkg” and “15 CDs - 2 DVDs” (over 9000 source packages, and it is the largest Linux distribution, spanning 15 CDs or 2 double-layer DVDs) Attachments (0 KB)

Red alert in Chiapas
Who the fuck knows what our government is up to now? Regarding the indigenous rebellion that started (in the eyes of the world) in 1994, our oh-so-dear government has played a stupid but very effective tactics: The Mushroom principle: Keep them in the dark, feed them with shit. This rebellion, where the Zapatist Army for National Liberation jumped to the spotlights, is very different from what you will find in many other countries in this region - and that’s why the EZLN was not crushed on its first days. This insurgent army is not about toppling a government and seizing...

Sarge badge
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Release party in .mx / cool T-shirts!
We Mexicans are known for taking too long to do things… So, nine days after Sarge stabilized, yesterday we had our release party. Much larger than what I originally thought (we only announced it to the almost-dead debianmexico list AFAIK, and most people there do not live in this city). We were over 30, and there were people coming from surrounding cities, up to ~200Km away. We had a good time, food and beer at Hamburguesas Memorables. I arrived over 1hr late because we were printing. What were we printing? Well, that’s obvious: I am very proud of Nadezhda’s work....

/.ing yourself - Some people never learn
Ok, so I am advertising our very nice Sarge T-shirts. Now, lives on a 512/128 ASDL line - And, as I did a long time ago, I once again included images in my blog text. I thought that my auto-slashdotting last time was because of my poor old resource-starvated server - No! It was bandwith. I just moved the images over to my work server (just for some days, don’t hang me for that!), and as soon as pulsed again, my home connection was once again usable.

Debian Sarge, on military green
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First CPAN upload!
Some weeks ago, I registered via PAUSE as a CPAN author - I did this because I am a frequent user of the CPAN request tracker, because of the modules I maintain in Debian. But… Well, now that I am in there, why not clean up some of my own modules and, if they are somehow interesting/useful to the general public, upload them there as well? Well, as of today, I just became a CPAN contributor: I uploaded User::Simple, a simple user sessions management, much lighter to use than other tools I have seen, and not married to any particular...

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