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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 234

Showing posts 2331 – 2340

Arriving, with the organizers
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Approaching the Pacific Ocean
For a nice and relaxing couple of hours before flying back home Attachments (0 KB)

About to have lunch
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Ok, I managed to do it again... / dripping
Some minutes ago, my poor and neglected debian-devel mailbox reached the 1000 unread messages. The last couple of days I have mainly spent my time either working on Debconf-related stuff (fortunately the last two days seem to go back to normal), answering mail^Wstupid flames on two local lists, and sweating my ass off. No, I am not doing any kind of excercise - Mexico City is hot, and I hate it. The highest temperature in over a century. We have reached 35 Celsius, at least five degrees over what we percieve as “too hot”. But I have managed to do...

/me shivers...
I had not updated my Sid boxes since last week as I feared the mirrors would be too full. I knew this was coming. Lots of invasive, destabilizing changes were told to wait for post-Sarge… Now we will get back our feeling of good ol’ Sid’s unstability. First, Mathias’ message warning about the C++ ABI change (which, being über-optimistic, will only mean a complete recompile of a shitload of stuff, but will surely mean hundreds of new open bugs). Now, I did my first post-Sarge update/upgrade, I see that GCC 4.0, PostgreSQL 8 and Perl 5.8.7 are all invited. I...

Ok, so everybody now knows it: the beast is out there! I missed the big moment on IRC due to an appointment at my shrink… My thanks go to Thaddeus Black, who sent me a complete IRC log, which I just followed trying to imagine I was there ;-) Now… Who was that said it? Long Live Sarge! ^U… ummmm… Short Live Sarge!!! See you in Etch, guys! Congratulations!!! Comments Aigarius 2005-06-06 20:58:37 RE: YAY! Publish it! Alberto Velazquez 2005-06-06 19:11:29 RE: YAY! <a href="">Mako</a> was. Gunnar 2005-06-09 15:28:30 Right! Who else could have it been? :)

Power failures and Gaim
We have had quite a few power failures lately in my area of the town, both at home and at my building in the University (which is kind of logical, as we are so close). Power failures tend to happen at the worst possible time - Yes, I know that basically any journalling filesystem will assure the disk integrity is right even if the last information written got lost. Which has happened to me quite a few times. Some weeks ago, we had the power failure in the middle of an aptitude operation. Darn, I lost /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates and /var/lib/dpkg/available -...

Why is my firewall leaking packets?
As we Amiga fans and ex-users use to say: “Oh, no, not Boing again”. The network has been quite shitty for the last couple of days here at IIEc. I was a bit pissed at it - but hey, I have one of those surges of things to do. I have not seriously even read my mail for most of the week… It’ll get better eventually. :-/ Today, my boss came to my office, and we started talking about why the network was so fscking shitty. He told me there was a new virus on the loose there - Perhaps...

Poza Rica
Last Tuesday I went to Poza Rica, as the people at Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica had their Tercer Congreso Estatal de Ingenieria en sistemas Computacionales. And quite a strange conference this was. First of all… Well, this was a conference organized by the institute’s profesors, not the students, so it was all formal, even sometimes rigid. The conference’s opening had representatives from all over the Veracruz state bureaucracy (a representative for Poza Rica’s mayor, another one for the state’s Education and Culture ministery, etc. - Some 10 people). Funnily, it seems nobody knew who was attending the opening....

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