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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 237

Showing posts 2361 – 2370

Even The Man^WPenguin himself was there!
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Bad timings revisited
Remember I was ranting about two weeks ago about the mod_perl2 API madness? Well, what was bound to happen just happened. mod_perl 2.0.0 was released on Friday. It contains only minor changes after that nasty API change we had on 1.999_22 - And, of course, in the pkg-perl group we already got an impatient user (Leonel… ¿Nuñez? I’d swear it’s you!) asking for it to be included in Sarge. Yes, we all know: That’s just not going to happen. Sadly, Sarge will carry a mod_perl2 that will be API-incompatible with the stable mod_perl2 elsewhere. That’s a good point for moving...

Arriving at Instituto Tecnológico de Cuautla
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With Viviana, from the Ecatepec LUG
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With Tux
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Tigrux signing autographs
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Tigre, the houselord and responsible for our delicious meal
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Quite inspired at my presentation
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Group photo
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Giving away presents!
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