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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 238

Showing posts 2371 – 2380

Formally closing CICOL
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Finishing my talk
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Erick and Geo
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At the "random questions" panel with Tigrux and Javier
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At my presentation
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A beautiful banana-like plant
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Needlessly wearing out my keyboard
I have been asked to write the Linux column for Mexico’s version of PCMagazine - Definitifely not a deep technical publication, but a magazine that reaches thousands of readers every month - And I have a couple of things to tell them. I hope I can make good use of this space they trusted me. Well, I have been struggling a couple of days with my first article. The title? Bringing security to your network with Linux. A simple topic, specially if it is targeted at relatively newbies - But the requirements had baffled me: 7000 words?! Hell, that’s much...

It is official: Please update contact
I have been phasing out my addresses over the last year in favor of - It is now official: will die soon. Please update. I am, my website is Comments lightme 2005-06-04 23:17:46 RE: It is official: Please update contact Justo cuando ya estabas en mis marcadores jajajja, habra que actulizarlos ahora :)

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