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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 240

Showing posts 2391 – 2400

So today is paperwork day. 9:00 AM I get to the institute, ready to fix some bugs I have been thinking about 9:20 AM As I am halfway through my (first) morning coffee, the Academic Secretary calls me - I am invited to a seminar on a specific International Relations Negotiations Toolkit (??!!) - I talk her out of sending me there, as it falls completely outside my scope. I will, of course, talk with the organizers to find out about its technical requirements, licensing, etc. 9:35 AM Ok, I’m down here… Lets go ask what has happened to my...

Congratulations / on giving FS talks to a non-technical audience
Branden: Congratulations! :-D We were all waiting for the day you finally took over - Now enhanced with an official Cabal! For the non-Debian guys reading my blog, it can be interesting to take a look at the Condorcet voting system. …Interesting to know that joeyh is exactly 16 days older than me. Congratulations as well :) In ~1hr I will be giving a talk - its title can be roughly translated as Free Software: An alternate model for knowledge production. Now, why am I excited about this? I have grown quite used to giving this kind of talks, explaining...

Mexican politics - fraud before the elections coming up
This is still not a fact… But it will soon be. We were so proud on July 2000 as we had finally beaten the eternal PRI and its perfect dictatorship. The hope, though, didn’t last long. Our shiny new president made the most hilarious bunch of promises about what would happen in the Government of the Change - And as soon as he assumed the power (December 1, 2000), he started breaking them one after another. I remember particularly talking with a good friend of mine who went to study for six months in Spain. It was March 2001. I...

New element found!
I tipically oppose reposting this kind of stuff… Today I won’t ;-) The heaviest element known to science was recently discovered by investigators at a major U.S. research university. The element, tentatively named Administratium, has no protons or electrons and thus has an atomic number of 0. However, it does have 1 neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons, and 111 assistant vice neutrons. This gives it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by a force that involves the continuous exchange of meson-like particles called morons. Since it has no electrons, Administratium is inert. However,...

At least it is not slow anymore...
Yesterday there was an electrical problem in the area where I live - We had between 40 and 60V for around four hours (Mexico’s electricity is nominally supplied at 127V). I got home about halfway through this and, of course, switched everything down. We went out, and came back home around 11PM. It seemed everything was normal again, so I turned on my server - yes, the old P120 laptop. This morning, Nadezhda told me she couldn’t see the network. It turns yesterday night out I turned on the laptop, but didn’t turn on the regulator, and the battery died....

Not a finn / mother back in Sweden / Religion
Antti-Juhani, Martin-Éric: Just to see how I fared, I took the Finnish Test. I have never been to Finland, my only direct references about it are that I know some people living there and that my mother says that you talk like ewoks… Anyway, I’ll find out in July ;-) But anyway: Suomalainen Congratulations! You scored 86%! You are a true Finn. Or an extremely good guesser. Or very lucky. Going to sauna naked with strangers is nothing to you, you happily even roll in the snow. Long winters are good for developing that depression and drinking. Your probable cause...

With Wada, Kov, Damog, Jimmy, Ismael and Giovanni
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With the gang
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With Nanda and Damog
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