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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 239

Showing posts 2381 – 2390

With my great-aunt
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mod_perl2 API madness
Yesterday was hellish. Apache might be the Free Software most notorious project. mod_perl is one of the best things that could happen both to the Perl and Apache communities. Apache2 is the largest Apache milestone, a major rewrite, and was declared golden almost three years ago. mod_perl, as it wraps the Apache C API and offers it to Perl, was expected to take some time to adapt to the new API and idiosincracy of this major version… Anyway, on to my life. I had some work to do on two systems I developed using mod_perl - the Comas one for...

...So there is a God?
That’d be the most plausible option… I could not explain it otherwise. There seems to be justice in this world. About two weeks ago, I broke my piggy-bank and, in one of the purest and most selfless acts I have ever had, bought an iMac for Nadezhda. She is, of course, delighted - and I’d have considered it as enough payment. This weekend, I got my father’s birthday present - Well, he’s not in Mexico right now, but he left me clear indications to get it: A very nice Sony Cyber-shot DSC-S80 camera. Yup guys, that means I will not...

Bursts of joy, bursts of sorrow
Ok, so the word is out: Telmex is upgrading the DSL lines! This would mean I am about to get 1Mbps instead of the current 512Kbps I get at home - But it means I’ll save some money, as I will downgrade to the new entry-level 512K. I don’t need more at home. Ok, this should make me quite happy - Right now, it is making me miserable. I am in the middle of a large download, and Telmex is playing with the circuits… So I get a nice 52KBps burst that lasts for a minute or two, then it...

Up until today, I had never thought we had to stay on topic in Planet Debian. All those messages regarding Ian’s postings made me quite sour - and quite surprised. Scott, have you ever received a complaint regarding my Mexican political rantings? I doubt so. No, this is not a message against anyone… But, seriously, what could have made 80 people get pissed at Progeny’s stuff given we all share what we think as important in here? Isn’t Progeny important for many DDs? And even if it wasn’t, does it harm anybody to see it there?

Fr0zen! / Where were you by Woody time?
Wow… Like most people, upon reading the last Andi’s announcement last week, I decided to go get my bugs - And, yes, I did nice progress… So it was a bit frustrating on one hand to find out today that Sarge is finally frozen. Yes, I know we are not supposed to wait until the last minute - But hey, face it, it is a great motivation! ;-) (and, yes, I will contact debian-release regarding a set of changes I did today that closed five bugs, even though non-critical). Now, this blog is syndicated at my local community as well...

The mac is live!
I am finally getting paid my complete salary at the University - That is no small deal, as UNAM can often take many months to get the checks flowing. In my case, I was formally hired in January, got the first check for the basic salary on February 25 (which I promptly used to get out of debts, of course). Then, on March 25 I got my first full check - Of course, retroactive to January. Of course, this deserved a celebration, so I kept it secret to be able to make it a bit better. I got also the...

A whole country on one street
Yesterday I attended one of the largest (if not the largest at all) political demonstrations in Mexico’s history. As I have previously mentioned in my blog, the federal government wants to get rid of the strongest presidential candidate for the 2006 elections - And, although we have gone a long way from the 1970s politics, with a strong and authoritarian one-party system, the temptation to fall back to it (or to a very similar emulation of it) is too strong. López Obrador was impeached on April 7. Now, there is no certain opinion on whether, besides the juridical immunity, he...

What is peje?
Warning: This will make so little sense for most of you non-Mexicans that I’ll post in Spanish. Me comentaba mi esposa que se asomó al diccionario de la RAE para averiguar qué significa el apelativo que le dan -aparentemente en tono despectivo- al Jefe de Gobierno del DF, el Peje. Sí, yo sé que el apelativo viene del pejelagarto, pez de su natal Tabasco. Sin embargo, el Diccionario de la RAE nos indica el significado de peje: peje. (Del lat. piscis). 1. m. pez (vertebrado acuático). 2. m. Hombre astuto, sagaz e industrioso. …Eso explica algunas cosas, para bien o...

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