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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 243

Showing posts 2421 – 2430

Amnesiac, Damog and Debianmexico
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After a great lunch with Randall, Amnesiac, Raúl and Giovanni
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A typical CONSOL moment
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Debconf5 flood
WOW… The Debconf Comas system we set up had been running quite smoothly for already some months. People were registering in quite a nice, ordered way… We had around 30 registered proposals, and everything was fine. Well, mostly everything. You see, we had as a proposal submission deadline March 15 2005, 23:59 UTC. In order to allow only for timely new proposals, Comas checks this date - only that I was checking for the date, not for the time… Since March 15 2005 00:00 UTC until around 16:00 UTC when I fixed this, we were gratuitously rejecting the proposals. And...

Among the best Linux distributions
Debian has been often rated as a great distribution technically, ideologically and socially. Now, how about seeking objective perfection? What if we could say that our distribution is simply great according to standards that have been widely respected for centuries? I came across the Gematriculator, which uses gematria to objectivelly rate a site? The results for the analysis of Ok… And how do other Linux distributions rate? Mandrake: 37% evil - 63% good RedHat: 13% evil - 87% good. We need to watch out for these guys! Gentoo: 58% evil - 42% good. Does it surprise anybody? Novell Suse:...

Re-stating the obvious / Mozilla's trademark
First of all: I have been asked why do I post my blog in English. I know it is syndicated in Planeta Linux en México, a mostly-Spanish-speaking planet (I am though not the only one posting in English, but there are few of us). It is also syndicated in Planet Debian, which is strictly in English. I don’t have time to maintain two blogs. I want my Mexican friends to know what am I up to… So well, now you know. ;-) Visor posted his opinions regarding Mozilla’s and Firefox’s trademarks. This is answering to a posting by Damog which...

It feels like Europe down here...
My country is slowly but steadily becoming more and more like Europe. No, it is not because Mexico suddenly became a free, democratic and advanced nation - it is because Europe is becoming more and more a banana republic. Europeans: Don’t let the antidemocratic Council (not elected by you) get away with it. Don’t let it overturn a decision made by the European Parliament, an elected and legitimate body. If this corrupt initiative does not pass, it will be thanks to the government and people of Denmark and Poland. Thank you very much!

Bye bye, my oldest bug
Wow… It is not every day that you have the chance of closing a bug that is over five years old. #41890 can now be crossed out, thanks to Julian Mehnle for his patch. No, no big trumpets, as it was quite an easy bug to fix… But at least is just a little step closer to world domination, just a little step closer to perfect code ;-) Comments tuxsoul 2005-03-07 18:27:35 RE: Bye bye, my oldest bug Eso se oye estupendo, si cuando programo (claro que mi nivel de programación actual es bajo) pequeñas aplicaciones, la verdad se siente...

Ternary operators, conditionals in the middle
Daniel Silverstone asked on our opinions on ternary operators, and as it seems his blog doesn’t like comments (boo!). I just love them. I really like being as concise as possible, without being cryptic - I find it awful to say if (condition) var = val1; else var = val2; Not only it hides the real intention of your statement (you want to assign a value to var, not just to check for a condition), but it is much more error prone (when I typed the line the first time I did an assignment to var and one to val....

Perl T-shirts
Perl T-shirts we printed for CONSOL 2005 Attachments (0 KB)

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