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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 244

Showing posts 2431 – 2440

Debianmexico T-shirts
Debianmexico T-shirts we printed for CONSOL 2005 Attachments (0 KB)

Got my own office!
I formally started working at IIEc exactly two months ago (Jan 1 2005, although I have been showing up to work here since November 17), and finally today my workplace is no longer the lab - I have my very own seven square meters - a very strange office, 2x4 meters, with one square meter devoted to one of the building’s pillars. I’ll have to find a way to put my desk to be confortable (right now I am facing a corner). I have always admired the care my University gives to having nice, confortable places to work, with nice...

Finishing CONSOL 2005
This is the last day of CONSOL, and I am quite happy with it. Tired as hell (have been spending my nights printing T-shirts for about a week), but happy. This is the fourth CONSOL, and it is the first time I am not at all involved in the organization, and… Well, it was smoother than ever. And it feels quite good not to be an organizer, to have time to enter any interesting talks, chat with my friends, to go out have a coffee, even go out in case something is needed back home. I don’t have statistics for...

PHP segfaults, incomplete laptops
Shit. I hate losing time due to someone else’s faults. Yesterday, a client of mine told me his Horde is not working. Ok, set myself in debug mode. What do I see? Nothing, just a stupid blank webpage. What does the Apache log say? Not much, nothing too informative, and what’s worse, nothing I expect from a PHP application: [Tue Feb 15 09:54:26 2005] [notice] child pid 2421 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) Over and over. I set in paranoid mode, as I had just upgraded the system. New Horde2 and Imp3 versions had just made it in Sarge, so...

Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions, and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends. - Joseph Campbell, mythologist Seen on the January 2005 edition of Scientific American, on Steve Mirsky’s Captive Audience article. Comments me 2005-02-16 02:35:55 RE: Life… One can actually do trainings to figure out what is going on… In my view it is possible to find out how it ends way before the movie is over.

chaos at home / treasures of a forgotten era
My home is still in chaos. It is almost three weeks we are covered in dust, as we are changing most of the house’s floor (after 50 years, it was really in bad shape). Terrible. Everything is dusty, everything feels uncomfortable, we cannot get good rest at any time… But well, today the workers began with the last (and largest) area, and it seems in one week it will finally be over. This, of course, has led me to bump into many things I didn’t expect to find - This is, after all, a house where my mother lived before...

1985 certificate
Found it by mere chance, my first computer-related certificate! Most amazing thing - Look who signed it: Great Perl Guru Salvador Ortiz! Attachments (0 KB)

Music helps!
After many slow days at work during which I could not really focus on any given thing, I finally felt this day was worth it. I think it is strongly related to the fact that I finally brought my earphones - as I work in a public area, I have been asked to keep my music volume as low as possible. And today I feel much less stressed, and have been to work much better than other days. Good thing! I hope the trend continues and this theory proves valid. Comments Mauricio 2005-02-02 17:35:56 RE: Music helps! get headphones! :P...

On natural language processing
Wouter was wondering about natural language processing. I have got quite interested in that field, although I also lack any real knowledge on that except for a couple of quite simple articles I have read and talks I have attended. A great resource on this is Alexander Gelbukh - I saw him at his talk in the 30th CLEI conference in Arequipa, Perú. He has some quite interesting articles about NLP on his web site, although they are in Spanish (anyway, for anybody interested: Avances en análisis automático de textos and Tendencias recientes en el procesamiento de lenguaje natural) but...

I am complete! / Debconf stuff
Yesterday I got my X-ray results - I am fortunately complete, no apparent injuries to my bones or discs. I got some pretty simple advice from an aunt who is a Feldenkrais instructor, and yes, it still hurts and I still look funny when standing up/sitting down, but it is getting better. Sadly, I still haven’t received the medical insurance papers from UNAM, so those MX$2300 for a complete set of X-rays were off my pocket. I’ll see what can I do to pay some other things I have pending :-/ Anyway… I’ll manage. for i in seq 1 100...

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