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Gunnar Wolf - Nice grey life - page 252

Showing posts 2511 – 2520

Mozparty honoring the Firefox 1.0 launch. Hamburguesas Memorables, Insurgentes, México D.F., November 19 2004

no a los diablitos
Oficially, the Mexican government is against using *BSD! Attachments (0 KB)

no a los diablitos 2
Oficially, the Mexican government is against using *BSD! Attachments (0 KB) Comments alex_mayorga 2008-09-04 07:26:23 Actually… They’re not, they do use it to run their websites or so they claim Funny picture indeed =D

Mexican governement and telco against *BSD use?
This is surprising… It seems that the Mexican government, together with Telmex, our main phone company, have decided not only not to use but to fight *BSD installations everywhere. [update] Some people have told me that I have to be fair… Well, I will. In Mexico, we call diablito (little devil/demon) the unauthorized connections to the electric network - If you are not paying the electricity bill but you still have service, you have a diablito. This phone cards are sponsored by Luz y Fuerza del Centro, the state agency that brings electricity to central Mexico. Comments Abby 2004-11-18 11:36:16...

IIEc-UNAM - Day 1
While I will be formally hired starting January 1, this is my first real day of work at IIEc-UNAM. I am very happy about this, as this has been my goal for many months already. So, what is it there in store for me? First of all, IIEc has an Origin 200 server, bought some six years ago, which has never really been used. I know this machine is, by today’s standards, far from amazing… But my first task is to get some life into its old circuits. What does it have? » hinv -v -m -mvvv IP27 Node Board,...

Nice nap for a title
This Chupchic/Tin Tan nap looks great for using as a banner, letterhead, title… Attachments (0 KB)

A paper Debian cluster
A 200-node Debian cluster sitting on a rack at my house! Attachments (0 KB)

Postgres, Perl, BYTEA and a productive night
I have been working a bit on Comas. Our original implementation allowed only one file of accompanying material per proposal, and I didn’t think it was enough – Yes, an author might tar his different files together… But that’s a kludge. Our current implementation also stores the material as files on disk, not in the database. Now, I want everything to be in the database, as it is much cleaner, much easier to back up, and requires much less hassle for the local administrator. For doing this, I decided to use Postgres’ bytea data type… Now, before RTFM, my uploads...

Java is scary
A friend asked me to become the sysadmin for his machine - Great. A crappy Fedora Core 2 system, terribly installed (it has EVERYTHING in there, three MTAs, the whole X environment…). I have been cleaning up the mess, but decided to debootstrap Debian instead. Now, the system configuration the ISP gave them is even crappier that the Fedora install they made - a dual Xeon at 2.8 with 128MB RAM?! Now, my friend complained that JBoss was running too slow. Ok, I had a 0.00, 0.00, 0.27 loadavg - Memory was quite fine, using only about 10% of the...

Driving woes
About six months ago, I got my first car: A very nice Fiat Palio Adventure. The day we finally got it, 13 Km away from the store, it broke - We had to wait for over three weeks to get it. But anyway, that’s old history - By now I have gotten used to having wheels, it is much easier to move around the city (and fortunately I still have access to the public transport system, which in Mexico is still much better than driving for many areas of the city), and we have started playing with hitting the road...

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